For the second week in our Pride/Humility series, we put up two different stations.
The first dealt with ways we are proud. We had a sheet challenging people to think of ways they try to make themselves look better than they really are. They were instructed to write this down & then put it in the shredder.
The second station was based on Philippians 2:3-4 where we are directed to think of others as better than ourselves. We had a sheet with the scripture passage on it & had people write down two people that they should put first & how they could do that. They would then keep the paper with them during the next week as a reminder to look for ways to put others first. You can check our 2up original for these two stations here.
Have some ideas you'd like to share? Please email me & let me know!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Monday, October 03, 2005
Filled With Pride
This week was the first in a two week series on Pride. We bought a bag cream colored ballons & had them on the countertop along with several rubber stamps, a stamp pad, and a trash can. We included the following instructions for participants.
Stamp a balloon with an image. Now blow up the balloon. This inflated balloon represents being filled with Pride. Notice how the image is distorted and faded. As you let the air out of the balloon, commit to God to release your pride.
Stamp a balloon with an image. Now blow up the balloon. This inflated balloon represents being filled with Pride. Notice how the image is distorted and faded. As you let the air out of the balloon, commit to God to release your pride.
Sand in trays
We had a station several weeks ago where we used 5 small black plastic trays about 1/2 inch deep and maybe 6X8 inches. We filled each with some colored sand and had a small (bigger than a toothpick) dowel with each. We included instructions at each directing participants to play with/move the sand & ask God to speak to them. The sermon topic was Mission (Movement, Action, Risk) & they should just work w/ the sand & pray.
What do you KNOW God wants you to do?
For Sept 11th, our sermon topic was 'Truth Demands a response of obedience.' We put out a poster with the question, "What do you KNOW God wants you to do?" along with the passage "James 4:17 - Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." We had a basket of markers & some scripture references & had folks write down what they know they should do.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
New Bridge DJ site
OK. I had been playing with a Bridge DJ site on my home computer with my DSL connection, but now I'm experimenting with a webhost. You can find the site here. Let me know what you think of it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
The Bridge has a DJ
We have been having a house DJ for about a month now. I dusted off my mixer & got a couple of used turntables & there ya go! My good friend Keith will also be gracing the decks from time to time... For some pics & a 100 MB download of my first set (sorry its a bit rough), head on over to This is hosted on my home server so apologies if it buffers at all. Please comment - what do you think?
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Sorry about my silence...
Well, it’s been too long since a post here… This is what’s been up. I had a web development class last fall & was going to use the contents of this blog for my site. However, the site could not contain anything that had already been on the web, so I stopped blogging so the new content could go to the class project. The project site worked out ok & gave me a bunch of great ideas of stuff I’d like to do – a full blown site instead of a blog. However, after weeks of being out of the habit of blogging – I stopped. Shame on me. We’ve had a few weeks there where we had no fresh stations at church; kind of a dry spell. Then out of nowhere, an email from someone who was looking for Good Friday ideas & he had stumbled across the site. WoW. Someone else is actually reading! So, I only needed time to sit down at my local coffee shop and type out what we’ve been up to. Here are the station ideas we’ve used for the past few months. Hopefully you might find them useful. Oh, and by the way, the guy who sent me the email also sent a GREAT station idea, so I’ll be seeking his permission to post it for you all.
Light under a basket?
We had a basket upside down with a very short lamp underneath. We then had a sign that said: “Lift up the basket and take a peek. You are the light of the world – like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:14-16)
God board
We got a stiff foam board and a bunch of sticky notes and pens & the following sign:
Write down a word or phrase that describes God and put it on the board.
Write down a word or phrase that describes God and put it on the board.
The Sunday before Taxes were due, We had income tax return forms & had two signs. One asked, “What does it mean to render unto Ceasar that which is Caesar’s?” and the other asked, “What does it mean to render unto God that which is God’s?”
Prayer knot bracelets
We had a bunch of hemp bracelet strings cut into about 8 or 10 inch lengths and the following sign:
Think about the prayer needs in your life…
Take a length of string and tie a knot for each prayer needs.
Take the string to someone and ask them to tie it around their wrist as a bracelet. Ask them to pray for each of the knots – each of your prayer needs during the next week.
Think about the prayer needs in your life…
Take a length of string and tie a knot for each prayer needs.
Take the string to someone and ask them to tie it around their wrist as a bracelet. Ask them to pray for each of the knots – each of your prayer needs during the next week.
What does God want?
One week we had two sheets out for folks to write on. One had “What I know God wants all Christians to do” and the other had “What I know God wants me to do.” Here are the results we got.
All Christians: love mercy, pray without ceasing, fear not, trust Him – have faith in Him, go into all the world & share His gift of salvation, be an ambassador, praise Him.
Me: be creative, forgive, be patient, love others, be selfless, pursue Him.
Then we had a sign with the following:
Think about what God means when his word says:
Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. - Psalm 145:18-19
Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires. -Romans 8:5
All Christians: love mercy, pray without ceasing, fear not, trust Him – have faith in Him, go into all the world & share His gift of salvation, be an ambassador, praise Him.
Me: be creative, forgive, be patient, love others, be selfless, pursue Him.
Then we had a sign with the following:
Think about what God means when his word says:
Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. -Psalm 37:4
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. - Psalm 145:18-19
Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires. -Romans 8:5
Safety pins & oatmeal
Based on an old baby shower game, we had a bowlful of uncooked oatmeal & some safety pins & the following sign.
Sometimes we think it’s hard to know what God’s will is for our lives.
It’s like we’re trying to pick safety pins out of oatmeal without looking.
It’s not an impossible task, but it’s easier for some people than for others.
Without looking,
Try to pick out five safety pins.
How hard is it to discern God’s will?
Sometimes we think it’s hard to know what God’s will is for our lives.
It’s like we’re trying to pick safety pins out of oatmeal without looking.
It’s not an impossible task, but it’s easier for some people than for others.
Without looking,
Try to pick out five safety pins.
How hard is it to discern God’s will?
Food for the homeless
For a few weeks now, we’ve been trying to focus our evening service to think about serving others. In an effort to do this in a practical way, someone suggested having a station where folks put together a small bag with a plastic Gatorade bottle, an easy to open canned food item, and a dry food item. This way, if you are asked by a homeless person for some food or cash for food you will have food ready to give. This was a great idea.
Update – After failing to make a bag for myself, I had two chances in one day to have given out a bag – I’m making several to have in my car this week.
Update – After failing to make a bag for myself, I had two chances in one day to have given out a bag – I’m making several to have in my car this week.
Confession of sin
One week we had a station for prayer. We had a sign posting the Anglican/Episcopal prayer of confession:
And so that we may prepare ourselves in heart and mind to worship Him, let us kneel in silence, and with penitent and obedient hearts confess our sins, that we may obtain forgiveness by His infinite goodness and mercy.
Please read the following to God:
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your name. Amen.
And so that we may prepare ourselves in heart and mind to worship Him, let us kneel in silence, and with penitent and obedient hearts confess our sins, that we may obtain forgiveness by His infinite goodness and mercy.
Please read the following to God:
Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of Your son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways, to the glory of Your name. Amen.
To be child-like
One week we chose the theme of being childlike. So here are our two stations that week:
The first had a few portable CD players with a single song on the CD, a lyric sheet for the song, and some paper to write on with the following sign: Listen to the song CHILD by ‘the miscellaneous’ God’s word tells us that “anyone who doesn’t have the kind of faith children have will never get into the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:15) What do you think it means to have the kind of faith children have? In what way do you do this?
The second had the following sign and sheets to write on: What makes you happy? What brings you joy? Do you ever feel like you’ve lost the child-like wonder that enjoyed so many simple things? Do you want it back? What do you think Jesus meant when he said, “I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven?”
The first had a few portable CD players with a single song on the CD, a lyric sheet for the song, and some paper to write on with the following sign: Listen to the song CHILD by ‘the miscellaneous’ God’s word tells us that “anyone who doesn’t have the kind of faith children have will never get into the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:15) What do you think it means to have the kind of faith children have? In what way do you do this?
The second had the following sign and sheets to write on: What makes you happy? What brings you joy? Do you ever feel like you’ve lost the child-like wonder that enjoyed so many simple things? Do you want it back? What do you think Jesus meant when he said, “I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven?”
What is your vision for this church?
For our new congregation in Scottsdale meeting on Thursday nights, we had some loose leaf paper & the following: The book for this church has yet to be written… Take a sheet of paper and begin to write down your vision for this church. Take it home & spend some time thinking about where you see us going… Bring it back next week or send an email with your thoughts to Aaron. [the pastor]
Lots of stuff for Advent
Here are a number of stations that we did for Advent:
One station had an electric lamp, a candle, an oil lamp, a flashlight, etc. Then we included the following text on several signs on the table:
In the beginning the Word already existed… He was with God, and He was God… He created everything that is… Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it… But although the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him when He came… But to all who believed Him accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. –John 1
Lord, you have brought light to my life; My God, you light up my darkness. –Psalm 18:28
For God who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made us understand that this light is the brightness of the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6
Look at all these different sources of light…
Think about areas of your life that may still be in darkness…
Ask God to shine His light, the light that gives life, on those areas of your life.
One of the stations had a green tall candle and the following sign along with an open Bible.
Advent is a period for reflection and self-examination in preparation for Christmas.
Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah n the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.
This green candle signifies faith and reminds us of the faith we have that God will keep his promise to send his son.
Read Isaiah 9:6-7
God kept his promise to send the Messiah.
What other promises does God makes?
Does he keep them?
One of the stations dealt with the issue of waiting & had the following sheet with space in the middle for folks to write what they are waiting for…
What are you waiting for?
Sarah … 40 years… for a son to fulfill God’s promise
Moses… 40 years… in the desert being prepared by God to lead his people
Israel… 40 years… for the promised land
The Prophets… 1000 years… the promised Savior
Mary… 9 months… for the child of God
[lots of empty space on the page]
Us… 27 days… Christmas
Us… 27 days… To Celebrate Christ’s Birth
One of the ideas we used last Advent was from the book “Innovative Worship” put out by Group Publishing & it was to have small soft strips of cotton cloth covered in baby powder & have folks take one as they come in to the service. Then during the service, a comment was made directing folks to feel how soft the fabric was – to imagine what it must have been like to be near the baby Jesus – to really contemplate that part of his coming.
One of the weeks we had a tall blue candle with the following sign:
What is Advent?
Advent is a period of time for reflection and self-examination before Christmas. Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah in the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.
It is a time for fasting, prayer, and Scripture reading – all intended to help us understand the full meaning of Christ’s coming.
The blue candle signifies hope. The blue candle reminds us of the hope we have that Christ will come again to bring new joy into our lives.
Read Luke 1:5-31
Christ came to bring joy and make our joy complete. Think about how he brings joy into our hearts today. Why should Christians be joyful?
We had a gift-wrapped box with a slot at the top, a few pens, and a bunch of scrap paper. Then we put up this sign:
Have you ever given a gift to Jesus? Think about what you might give to Jesus this year.
When you’re ready, write down what you’d like to give to Jesus and place it in the box.
We put out a Nativity set & a piece of paper with a few pens & the following questions:
Which of these nativity characters do you most identify with
and why?
We put out a figurine of Santa kneeling before the baby Jesus & asked folks what thoughts & feelings they had about that & left a sheet of paper where they could write their ideas.
We had a Jack in the Box with the following sign:
Anticipation. Expectancy. Everyone was waiting for the Messiah to come. They knew he was coming, but they didn’t know when. They didn’t know how. They didn’t know what he would look like.
Pick up the Jack in the Box and turn the handle. As you wait for Jack to jump out remember what it feels like to wait, knowing what’s to come…
One station had an electric lamp, a candle, an oil lamp, a flashlight, etc. Then we included the following text on several signs on the table:
In the beginning the Word already existed… He was with God, and He was God… He created everything that is… Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it… But although the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him when He came… But to all who believed Him accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. –John 1
Lord, you have brought light to my life; My God, you light up my darkness. –Psalm 18:28
For God who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made us understand that this light is the brightness of the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6
Look at all these different sources of light…
Think about areas of your life that may still be in darkness…
Ask God to shine His light, the light that gives life, on those areas of your life.
One of the stations had a green tall candle and the following sign along with an open Bible.
Advent is a period for reflection and self-examination in preparation for Christmas.
Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah n the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.
This green candle signifies faith and reminds us of the faith we have that God will keep his promise to send his son.
Read Isaiah 9:6-7
God kept his promise to send the Messiah.
What other promises does God makes?
Does he keep them?
One of the stations dealt with the issue of waiting & had the following sheet with space in the middle for folks to write what they are waiting for…
What are you waiting for?
Sarah … 40 years… for a son to fulfill God’s promise
Moses… 40 years… in the desert being prepared by God to lead his people
Israel… 40 years… for the promised land
The Prophets… 1000 years… the promised Savior
Mary… 9 months… for the child of God
[lots of empty space on the page]
Us… 27 days… Christmas
Us… 27 days… To Celebrate Christ’s Birth
One of the ideas we used last Advent was from the book “Innovative Worship” put out by Group Publishing & it was to have small soft strips of cotton cloth covered in baby powder & have folks take one as they come in to the service. Then during the service, a comment was made directing folks to feel how soft the fabric was – to imagine what it must have been like to be near the baby Jesus – to really contemplate that part of his coming.
One of the weeks we had a tall blue candle with the following sign:
What is Advent?
Advent is a period of time for reflection and self-examination before Christmas. Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah in the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.
It is a time for fasting, prayer, and Scripture reading – all intended to help us understand the full meaning of Christ’s coming.
The blue candle signifies hope. The blue candle reminds us of the hope we have that Christ will come again to bring new joy into our lives.
Read Luke 1:5-31
Christ came to bring joy and make our joy complete. Think about how he brings joy into our hearts today. Why should Christians be joyful?
We had a gift-wrapped box with a slot at the top, a few pens, and a bunch of scrap paper. Then we put up this sign:
Have you ever given a gift to Jesus? Think about what you might give to Jesus this year.
When you’re ready, write down what you’d like to give to Jesus and place it in the box.
We put out a Nativity set & a piece of paper with a few pens & the following questions:
Which of these nativity characters do you most identify with
and why?
We put out a figurine of Santa kneeling before the baby Jesus & asked folks what thoughts & feelings they had about that & left a sheet of paper where they could write their ideas.
We had a Jack in the Box with the following sign:
Anticipation. Expectancy. Everyone was waiting for the Messiah to come. They knew he was coming, but they didn’t know when. They didn’t know how. They didn’t know what he would look like.
Pick up the Jack in the Box and turn the handle. As you wait for Jack to jump out remember what it feels like to wait, knowing what’s to come…
New Year's Day - Clean Slate
For New Years we had a station with a chalkboard some chalk, a whiteboard, a doodle board & the following:
Write something on the chalkboard, whiteboard, or doodle board.
Now erase it & see that you have a clean slate.
People typically think of New Year’s as a chance to start over fresh.
Now write something that you regret and ask god to erase it, give you a clean start, and empower you to live.
Wipe the board clean and imagine god giving you a fresh start.
Write something on the chalkboard, whiteboard, or doodle board.
Now erase it & see that you have a clean slate.
People typically think of New Year’s as a chance to start over fresh.
Now write something that you regret and ask god to erase it, give you a clean start, and empower you to live.
Wipe the board clean and imagine god giving you a fresh start.
One week we had a really cool picture that had a pair of faucets & sink & soap. It was kind of sepia-tone looking. Anyway, we had that picture up, and a table full of props: a bar of soap, a pump with orange grit hand cleaner, a bottle of body wash, foam soap, & I think several other things & the following sign:
Think of all the ways you try to clean yourself
I John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Psalm 51
...Have mercy upon me, Oh God, according to your loving kindness; according to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin...
create in me a clean heart, oh god, and renew a steadfast spirit in me
Think of all the ways you try to clean yourself
I John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Psalm 51
...Have mercy upon me, Oh God, according to your loving kindness; according to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin...
create in me a clean heart, oh god, and renew a steadfast spirit in me
As I Am (The Violet Burning)
We had a couple portable CD players & had the song “As I Am” by The Violet Burning & had people read the lyrics & think about what it means for them.
Mary, she knows
In a world that’s dark, torn apart at the seams
She lifts up her eyes, up to the skies and sings,
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Sometimes I cry
‘Cause the world, it’s dark – torn apart at the seams
I lift up my eyes, up the skies and sing,
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Sometimes it’s hard
Though patiently, you wait for the time to see
Whose are you? (tell me) whose are you?
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Light of the world, please come shine on me
My beloved
Sometimes I cry
‘Cause the world that’s dark, torn apart at the seams
Sometimes I cry for I am weak
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Light of the world, please come shine on me
We also had the following sheet up & paper to write on: How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? How do you think God sees you?
Mary, she knows
In a world that’s dark, torn apart at the seams
She lifts up her eyes, up to the skies and sings,
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Sometimes I cry
‘Cause the world, it’s dark – torn apart at the seams
I lift up my eyes, up the skies and sing,
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Sometimes it’s hard
Though patiently, you wait for the time to see
Whose are you? (tell me) whose are you?
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Light of the world, please come shine on me
My beloved
Sometimes I cry
‘Cause the world that’s dark, torn apart at the seams
Sometimes I cry for I am weak
“I am my beloved’s and he loves me as I am.”
Light of the world, please come shine on me
We also had the following sheet up & paper to write on: How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? How do you think God sees you?
We had one week that brought up the question of what is considered taboo. We had a sign up with the following:
When the belief exists that saying a certain word or speaking of a certain topic is unacceptable, either
1) because it might evoke that thing,
2) it might be considered too sacred, or
3) perhaps it is too profane
What topics are taboo at church?
What things do we never talk about at church?
Should we have taboo subjects at church?
When the belief exists that saying a certain word or speaking of a certain topic is unacceptable, either
1) because it might evoke that thing,
2) it might be considered too sacred, or
3) perhaps it is too profane
What topics are taboo at church?
What things do we never talk about at church?
Should we have taboo subjects at church?
Drawing days of creation
We had a bunch of blank paper & colored markers & had people draw a picture of one of the days of creation (we had the days listed)
Pre Service Activity: PRAY
One week we had a large sign with the following and a bowl with some slips of paper – each slip had a different thing to pray for.
Pre-Service Activity…
Take a slip of paper from the bowl & pray.
These were the slips that we had available:
Pray for the Bridge congregations: Rio Vista, Minder-Binders, & Scottsdale
Pray for the pastor
Pray for the worship leader
Pray for the children’s ministry
Pray for the youth group
Pray for your neighborhood
Pray for the walls of racial discrimination to fall down
Pray for healing in relationships
Pray for physical healing of people in the congregation
Pray for Rio Vista Center
Pray for a willingness to serve others
Pre-Service Activity…
Take a slip of paper from the bowl & pray.
These were the slips that we had available:
Pray for the Bridge congregations: Rio Vista, Minder-Binders, & Scottsdale
Pray for the pastor
Pray for the worship leader
Pray for the children’s ministry
Pray for the youth group
Pray for your neighborhood
Pray for the walls of racial discrimination to fall down
Pray for healing in relationships
Pray for physical healing of people in the congregation
Pray for Rio Vista Center
Pray for a willingness to serve others
Write a way God has blessed you
We had a big red piece of felt-type cloth pegged to the wall & a few Sharpie pens. People wrote on the fabric based on the following instructions:
Write one way God has blessed you. Allow this cloth to serve as a reminder of God’s goodness.
Write one way God has blessed you. Allow this cloth to serve as a reminder of God’s goodness.
Ask God to speak to you
We have a game from Discovery Toys that has foam shapes that you can use to make patterns or designs. We put out that game & the following instructions:
Spend some time making a design or pattern and ask God to speak to you…
Spend some time making a design or pattern and ask God to speak to you…
What do you value?
We had an introspective work-sheet we gave out with the following:
Whether you recognize it or not, you’ve got governing values.
Everyone does. Your values influence how you make decisions.
Your governing values reflect:
What is important to you
How you see the world
What you believe in
Imagine that you have an afternoon to spend as you like. Do you go to a park with your family? To lunch with friends? Finish up some work? Or maybe just go wherever the day takes you?
These decisions reflect values. Some are easy to define: I love my family. Some are more abstract: I enjoy being spontaneous. How you spend your time is often a good indicator of you values.
Make a list of things you value:
Pick an activity that helps you focus on one thing you value. Choose a day when you can do that activity.
For one day, keep a close record of how you spend your time. Record the details of your day. Do you spend most of your time on the things that are most important to you? Or do you spend most of your time on things that aren’t very important to you?
Whether you recognize it or not, you’ve got governing values.
Everyone does. Your values influence how you make decisions.
Your governing values reflect:
What is important to you
How you see the world
What you believe in
Imagine that you have an afternoon to spend as you like. Do you go to a park with your family? To lunch with friends? Finish up some work? Or maybe just go wherever the day takes you?
These decisions reflect values. Some are easy to define: I love my family. Some are more abstract: I enjoy being spontaneous. How you spend your time is often a good indicator of you values.
Make a list of things you value:
Pick an activity that helps you focus on one thing you value. Choose a day when you can do that activity.
For one day, keep a close record of how you spend your time. Record the details of your day. Do you spend most of your time on the things that are most important to you? Or do you spend most of your time on things that aren’t very important to you?
On one table, we had a pile of envelopes & slips of paper & pens & the following sign:
Think of something bad you’ve done that you would like to make right. How could you right the wrong? Write it down on a slip of paper and seal it in an envelope. This is yours to keep as a reminder until you right the wrong.
On another table, we had a small bucket filled about a third of the way full with rocks. It was filled to the brim with water. We had a pile of rocks and the following sign:
Think of this bucket as representing your life. Think of the stones as deliberate acts of sin. Drop a stone in the bucket. Think about the cumulative effect of your choices. If the water in the bucket is the working of God in your life, how does a life of willful sin affect that?
Think of something bad you’ve done that you would like to make right. How could you right the wrong? Write it down on a slip of paper and seal it in an envelope. This is yours to keep as a reminder until you right the wrong.
On another table, we had a small bucket filled about a third of the way full with rocks. It was filled to the brim with water. We had a pile of rocks and the following sign:
Think of this bucket as representing your life. Think of the stones as deliberate acts of sin. Drop a stone in the bucket. Think about the cumulative effect of your choices. If the water in the bucket is the working of God in your life, how does a life of willful sin affect that?
Listen to God
We had a table with some lit candles & the following signs:
”So often when we speak with God, we do all the talking; take time now to listen, and see what God has to say to you.”
“…speak Lord, for your servant is listening. (I Samuel 3:9)”
”So often when we speak with God, we do all the talking; take time now to listen, and see what God has to say to you.”
“…speak Lord, for your servant is listening. (I Samuel 3:9)”
Share God's leading
We had a sign with the following:
SHARE with this group… (Hint, Hint… Invite a few people over)
WHAT is ONE direction, task, movement, or step you felt strongly that God gave you?
Did you do it? YES or NO
SHARE with this group… (Hint, Hint… Invite a few people over)
WHAT is ONE direction, task, movement, or step you felt strongly that God gave you?
Did you do it? YES or NO
Share one thing with a group of people
We had a circle of empty chairs and a sign with the following:
Sit down.
Look around the room.
Specifically invite people into this circle until all the chairs are full.
Get everyone’s name. Tell each other ONE SPECIFIC THING about your day.
After that, answer this… (everyone)
Would you rather recite poetry in a crowded theatre, or dance alone on an empty rooftop?
Now GO.
Sit down.
Look around the room.
Specifically invite people into this circle until all the chairs are full.
Get everyone’s name. Tell each other ONE SPECIFIC THING about your day.
After that, answer this… (everyone)
Would you rather recite poetry in a crowded theatre, or dance alone on an empty rooftop?
Now GO.
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