Monday, June 28, 2004

The Hope Stamp

Yesterday we had a rubber stamp with the HOPE stencil logo & stamped each person's hand as they came in. The thrust of the current series is that God desires to write HOPE over our lives.

Glow in the dark star

We got this from the Discovering Jesus tin – another Group publishing package like the prayer path. We got a jar of those glow in the dark stars that some kids like to put on their bedroom ceilings. We had three signs on the table and a bowl with the stars. The signs were:

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” “The Lord is my light and salvation.” “Arise, shine, for your light has come.”

A Light in the darkness. Reflect on the light of Jesus that has come into the darkness and offer your praise to God. Pick up a star and hold it near the light. Now cup it in your hands and peek inside. Light.

Take this star with you as a reminder on your journey with Jesus, the light that shines in the darkness.

Palm Sunday

For Palm Sunday, we had a cross by the table & later put a palm branch out with the following sign:

The people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus,
hailing him as King,
laying down their coats and waving palm branches
in the air…
Six days later they called for his crucifixion.

Nailed to the cross

We had a cross with a number of papers thumb tacked to it. On the papers were the following:

Rage, Pride, Self-Reliance, Gossip, Ungratefulness, Lust, Boasting, Arrogance, Gluttony, Selfishness, Idolatry, Envy, Fear, Rebellion, Manipulation, Slander, Sexual Impurity, Corrupt Mind, Stealing, Drunkenness, and Lying.

We then had a sign on the table with:
Think about your old nature before coming to Christ.
Think about those traits that were put to death on
the Cross when you came to Him.
Think of those sins that you desire to reclaim
those habits you have fallen into again…
Ask God to help you live according to your new nature.
Ask God to help you live by His Spirit to bring Him glory.

Chinese Symbols

We used Chinese symbols for different attributes of God then mounted them on nice colored card stock with the following sign:
These cards list attributes of God.
Look through the cards and think about how God has shown Himself to be that attribute to you this past week.
Look through the cards a second time and ask yourself which of these you have not seen Him to be this past week.
Pray, asking God to show you more of Himself this week.

Pick a book

One week we had a sign that said something along the lines of, “Pick out a book. Read a page. How do you feel? What are your thoughts? Ask God to speak to you… ” We then had three books with a brief description of each.

They were, “A Bag of Noodles – A thought provoking book of random ideas from 1973 (Jesus Hippy Movement)” “The Psalm Book – A replica of the handmade psalm book – Charles Knowles (died at age 18 in 1958) – Hand-carved woodcuts handset type” “Praying with the Celts – translations of traditional Gaelic poems, prayers, praises, and blessings”

Relax, Open, Engage, Prepare

We had a spare station ready to go for any week we might miss… We pulled it out a few weeks ago – now we need to come up with a few more easy spare ones to keep in the wings… This is what it was:
Relax your body… Open your mind… Engage your spirit… This is the house of God. Prepare to Worship.

Santa Jesus?

For one of the weeks right before Christmas, we had this crazy picture of Jesus on the cross with shopping bags and presents. I had found it at some site dealing with an art exhibit that seemed somewhat anti-Christmas… I would properly credit it, but I tried googling for it again & came up empty.

We had a notepad & pens & the following guidance:
What do you think this picture is trying to say?
How do you feel about that?
Write down your thoughts…
This time of year, we remember Christ coming as a baby to die for the sins of the world.
However, in our culture it’s too easy to be caught up in materialism.
What can you do to maintain proper perspective this season?
Write down your thoughts…


We put out a pad of paper, a few pens, and the following instructions:

Have you ever been: Left Behind? Left Out? Abandoned? Neglected? Forgotten? Forsaken? Rejected? Jilted?
Disowned? Discarded? Isolated?

When you read in Hebrews that God will never Leave you nor Forsake you, never Desert you, never Fail you, never Abandon you, never let you down or walk off and leave you, never Forget you…
How does that make you feel?
Write down your thoughts & ideas…


We got a small wooden tray and filled it with rock salt (smaller than you use for making ice cream but larger than table salt). We were going to use sand, but wanted something much brighter white for contrast. We also had a bowl with small colored pieces of broken glass. We laid out a few pieces of glass in the salt and had the following instructions:

Mosaic-decorated with small pieces of
colored glass or stone fitted together
Please take a piece of colored glass.
Place it in the tray with the others.
Note how it stands out on its own,
but also how it fits together with the rest of the pieces
to make something beautiful.
Ask God to show you how you fit
within the body of Christ.

Landmines dot Org

We made a 5 by 5 grid from crepe paper, with each square being 18 inches. We then played a “game” where we told participants there were three ‘landmines’ in the ‘minefield’ and had them try to cross it. We had a sheet with the layout of where the mines where hidden. Few were able to successfully cross it. We actually did have one person ask if we would tell them where the mines were, and we obliged – allowing them to easily cross. As it turned out, that was quite appropriate as the pastor’s sermon was to be on David’s plea in the Psalms that God would order his steps that he might avoid evil. Most of the folks failed to cross successfully because they tried crossing on their own instead of seeking guidance from someone who could order their steps.

We did hand out a sheet from Landmines.Org
reminding them that while we played this game in a lighthearted way, landmines really are a global problem maiming or killing an estimated 10,000 civilians each year.

The Shredder

One week we had a pad of paper, a few pens, and a shredder. We then had a sign with the following:

Ask God to show you anything that may hinder your Worship of Him…
As things come to mind, write them down…
Ask God to help you overcome these distractions…
when you are ready…
Put the paper in the shredder and leave those things behind…

Nestle Tollhouse Cookies & The Church?

A few weeks ago we made a couple batches of homemade Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies & had the following on a sheet at the table:

Look at the collection of ingredients before you:

Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, Margarine, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Eggs, Chocolate Chips…

Individually, some of these are tasty and some are not. Together they form something very good –

Likewise, each of us has our own set of strengths.
Together we blend to become something much greater…

Enjoy a cookie and think about how you are needed.

We are all parts of His one body, and each of us has different work to do.
And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other,
and each of us needs all the others. (Romans 12:5 NLT)

Worship Tricks - Jonny Baker Blog

So, someone passed along a great link that I MUST promote! It is Jonny Baker's blog. Part of his blog is a list of Worship Tricks - stuff that they've been doing at Grace, an alternative worship community in West London. WoW. Talk about a great resource... Anyway, you have to check it out!

Worship with Legos?

My mother-in-law works with Northwest Community Church , here in Phoenix. She had been at some sort of conference for children workers or something. Anyway, they had a guest speaker from some children’s ministry magazine & he had walked them through several spiritual experiences. We heard about this one & used the idea at The Bridge. I really have no idea who it was or what magazine he was from, but I have a nagging suspicion that he was from Group Publishing … Anyhow, we laid out some off-brand Lego wannabes (what can I say – I’m cheap) and put out a sign with the following:

“Pick up a Lego. Feel the rough bumps. Imagine that those bumps are things that God wants to smooth out & remove from your life – what are they? Feel the side with the holes in it. Imagine that these holes represent needs in your life that God desires to fill – things that God wants to put into your life… What might those be? Connect your Lego to the others – notice how they fit together to make something bigger and better than themselves – in what way are you connected to the lives of those around you?”

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we had a lamp, a sign, a notepad, and a pen. For nice motherly props we had a teapot & teacup. The sign had the Proverbs blurb about "her children rise up and call her blessed" and asked, "In what way has God blessed you through your mother? Write it down." and we allowed everyone to think about how they have been blessed & share it with others.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I Am Loved

This week's activity was inspired by the I Am Loved buttons that are available from Helzberg Diamonds.
We had folks use blank adhesive name tags & colored markers to make a tag that said, "I Am Loved" and challenged them to wear it proudly. We then asked, "Do you live in such a way that others KNOW you are loved by God?"

He Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me

Last Sunday instead of having our normal interactive station that you pass by on your way to your seat, we had something for everyone to participate in during the service.

I picked up a bucket of daisies & passed one out to each person in church. Our pastor then reminded us of the old game of “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not” & had us pull the petals off the flower. So many of us remember at least seeing that on TV or in a movie. But it seems like we approach God in the same way. When things are going well, He Loves Me. When things aren’t going well, He Loves Me Not. {in addition: In Christ, we should say, He Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me. (Romans 8:38-39)}
The flowers were inexpensive. It was hands on. Everyone saw it, touched it, smelled it, pulled the petals, remembered something in the past… it seemed to go really well.

Our pastor went on to say that it isn’t only an issue of feeling God’s love or not, but that scripture actually mentions the wrath of God as well. John 3:16 mentions that whoever believes in Christ, SHOULD NOT PERISH… It is not just being saved to eternal life, but being saved from wrath.

This Blog

Here goes... My wife & I have been putting together interactive stations each week for our church for a while now. It started out as borrowing ideas from the Prayer Path Labyrinth & ended up with us borrowing other ideas & coming up with some of our own. I’ve been trying to see if others are doing the same thing & documenting what they do so I’d have more resources & I’m just not finding it. SO, I’m documenting what we’re doing at The Bridge and maybe you might find it useful or inspiring...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Big Move

Well, I had started this blog out at Spymac since they had offered a 1 gig mailbox, free webhosting, blogging, etc. I've had regular problems with the blog - the archiving is very annoying (you must know the date of the archived post you wish to view) and the built in comments do not have a field for a vistor to leave their name. SO, it's being copied over here & I'll post one last blog over there to forward everyone over here...