Thursday, April 28, 2005

Lots of stuff for Advent

Here are a number of stations that we did for Advent:

One station had an electric lamp, a candle, an oil lamp, a flashlight, etc. Then we included the following text on several signs on the table:
In the beginning the Word already existed… He was with God, and He was God… He created everything that is… Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it… But although the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him when He came… But to all who believed Him accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. –John 1

Lord, you have brought light to my life; My God, you light up my darkness. –Psalm 18:28

For God who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made us understand that this light is the brightness of the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6

Look at all these different sources of light…

Think about areas of your life that may still be in darkness…

Ask God to shine His light, the light that gives life, on those areas of your life.
One of the stations had a green tall candle and the following sign along with an open Bible.
Advent is a period for reflection and self-examination in preparation for Christmas.
Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah n the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.

This green candle signifies faith and reminds us of the faith we have that God will keep his promise to send his son.

Read Isaiah 9:6-7

God kept his promise to send the Messiah.
What other promises does God makes?
Does he keep them?
One of the stations dealt with the issue of waiting & had the following sheet with space in the middle for folks to write what they are waiting for…

What are you waiting for?

Sarah … 40 years… for a son to fulfill God’s promise

Moses… 40 years… in the desert being prepared by God to lead his people

Israel… 40 years… for the promised land

The Prophets… 1000 years… the promised Savior

Mary… 9 months… for the child of God
[lots of empty space on the page]
Us… 27 days… Christmas
Us… 27 days… To Celebrate Christ’s Birth

One of the ideas we used last Advent was from the book “Innovative Worship” put out by Group Publishing & it was to have small soft strips of cotton cloth covered in baby powder & have folks take one as they come in to the service. Then during the service, a comment was made directing folks to feel how soft the fabric was – to imagine what it must have been like to be near the baby Jesus – to really contemplate that part of his coming.
One of the weeks we had a tall blue candle with the following sign:
What is Advent?
Advent is a period of time for reflection and self-examination before Christmas. Advent means “coming” in at least three senses:
1) the coming of the Messiah in the flesh, to be celebrated at Christmas;
2) the coming of Christ in Word and Spirit, to be pondered throughout the Church year;
3) the coming of Christ in glory at the end of time.
It is a time for fasting, prayer, and Scripture reading – all intended to help us understand the full meaning of Christ’s coming.

The blue candle signifies hope. The blue candle reminds us of the hope we have that Christ will come again to bring new joy into our lives.

Read Luke 1:5-31

Christ came to bring joy and make our joy complete. Think about how he brings joy into our hearts today. Why should Christians be joyful?
We had a gift-wrapped box with a slot at the top, a few pens, and a bunch of scrap paper. Then we put up this sign:
Have you ever given a gift to Jesus? Think about what you might give to Jesus this year.
When you’re ready, write down what you’d like to give to Jesus and place it in the box.
We put out a Nativity set & a piece of paper with a few pens & the following questions:
Which of these nativity characters do you most identify with
and why?
We put out a figurine of Santa kneeling before the baby Jesus & asked folks what thoughts & feelings they had about that & left a sheet of paper where they could write their ideas.
We had a Jack in the Box with the following sign:
Anticipation. Expectancy. Everyone was waiting for the Messiah to come. They knew he was coming, but they didn’t know when. They didn’t know how. They didn’t know what he would look like.

Pick up the Jack in the Box and turn the handle. As you wait for Jack to jump out remember what it feels like to wait, knowing what’s to come…

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